Ted Dudine


Andrew Peters



Congratulations! Many thanks for your tireless efforts in making this real estate transaction occur. I know you went through untold hoops and lenghty negotiations, stewarded outside resources, and virtually willed this thing to close. Every time I called, I was positive that you were doing just about everything you could think of and you always gave me encouragement without offering false hope.

You also put me, my needs and problems as a client, in front of your own concerns and never let your compensation be an impediment to reaching the goal. That is the mark of a standup guy (who I'd like to have a beer with someday!) and a real professional.

In closing, it is more than fair to say I now have a friend in the Real Estate industry and will reward your efforts any time I am able by recommending you to anyone who asks.

Please feel free to have someone call me if they need a personal endorsement before choosing to conduct a real estate transaction with you. Heck, they might need a painting to go with their new house or want to buy one from the proceeds of a sale!

It has been a true pleasure to work with you Ted.

With my gratitude and warm regards,

Andrew Peters

P.S. My work can be seen at AndrewPetersArt.com